Who are our partners

The State Agency for Child Protection, with the help of its long-time partner VIVACOM, has created a completely new technical solution for the 116 111 line, which has been operational since May 2020. We assure all children, parents and citizens that there is no suspicion of manipulation or misuse of their personal data, because with everything provided by our partner VIVACOM, we guarantee the security of calls. The calls are guaranteed anonymous and protected from personal data leaks for children and adults. The new technical solution fully meets the requirements of the Regulation on Minimum Requirements for Network and Information Security, developed in accordance with the Cyber Security Act and the e-Government Act in our country.

The story of Child Helpline International began 25 years ago in India. The founder Jeroo Billimoria was a social worker and worked with street children. She gave the children she worked with her phone number and told them they could call her anytime if they needed help.

The phone never stopped ringing!

Jeroo Billimoria realized that these children needed someone to talk to or be there for them in a difficult time. This led to the creation of India's first and only child helpline. Volunteers began answering the children's calls as well as working with those of them who needed help. The data collected from the calls became important information used in policy making aimed at protecting children.

Gradually, Jeroo Billimoria's idea became a global concept. Billimoria created Child Helpline International, an international emergency phone call network for children. There are two reasons for this. One is that the children themselves have shown through their calls the need for such a helpline. The second is that the social worker and social entrepreneur recognized the need to spread her expertise to other countries to help as many children as possible by creating a global network.

Today, Child Helpline International's network covers 166 child helplines in 139 countries.

Every year, Child Helpline International Day is celebrated on 17 May.