Involvement in parental conflict
A conflict situation can happen in any family. It is important that you and your partner are able to discuss and resolve this situation without involving the children. This will protect them from negative consequences.
In the event that the children understand, the most important thing is to reassure them that they are not the problem in the conflict situation. Think about it - from birth, you the parents are the closest people to them, their role models - their whole world. All they expect from you is love and support.
Avoid arguing in front of your children, don't ask them upsetting questions about your partner, don't criticize your partner in front of them. Don't make them feel like they have to hide their positive feelings about you from the other person or vice versa.
If you have a problem with conflict or have thought about separation, it is a good idea for you or your partner to think about and discuss how to get help together - for example, with a family therapist. This kind of counselling could help you to identify the cause of the conflict between you and find a practical solution.
If this topic raises questions in you, you recognise yourself or someone you know, don't hesitate to contact the NATIONAL TELEPHONE LINE FOR CHILDREN by dialling 116 111. Don't delay! We will listen and support you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Parental alienation syndrome
Parental alienation occurs when a separate relationship is created between the child and one parent, which models the relationship to the other parent. The other parent is rejected. Whether this is done consciously or not, in either case it creates anxiety and fear in the child about seeing the parent with whom they do not live.
Very often there is a strong negativity between the two parents, which develops into conflict at every meeting. For this, it is important to learn to form a positive attitude towards the other parent yourself, or with the help of a specialist, rather than trying to belittle and alienate him from the child.
The distress provoked by the relationship with the parents can affect his mental health. Often a child may experience a conflict of loyalty when trying to maintain good emotional relationships with both parents.
It is important to know that alienating a child from a parent will certainly have long-term consequences on his or her future development and adjustment in society.
It is in the child's best interest to have full contact with the non-custodial parent after the separation of the parents.
If this topic raises questions in you, you recognise yourself or someone you know, don't hesitate to contact the NATIONAL TELEPHONE LINE FOR CHILDREN by dialling 116 111. Don't delay! We will listen and support you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Shared Parenting
One of the most important things about shared parenting is learning to communicate effectively with your ex-partner. What is best for your child is not always what is best for you, so be more patient. If you have had misunderstandings with your ex-partner consider whether this makes him a bad father or a bad mother. The child is not to blame for what happens between their parents and the child is at the centre of shared parenting.
Being a parent, even a stepparent is a big responsibility. The arrival of a new mother or a new father in the family creates turmoil and confusion in the child. For the child to adapt to the new situation needs attention, patience, building trust. The way to be a successful parent is to know the child, to be able to respond to his needs, so that he feels he can rely on you and trust you. Children need support to cope and adapt in new situations created by their parents.
If this topic raises questions in you, you recognise yourself or someone you know, don't hesitate to contact the NATIONAL TELEPHONE LINE FOR CHILDREN by dialling 116 111. Don't delay! We will listen and support you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Relations with stepchildren
If there is a change in your life and you find yourself in the role of a stepchild parent, you need patience above all. If you have a child or children of your own - by all means do not separate him from them. Depending on the age your child is, the challenges you face will be different.
It is not easy to create a parent-child relationship on the part of the parent, and the child has to overcome his insecurity and caution to allow a stranger to be his mother or father. Very often, in their desire to ingratiate themselves, stepparents try to warm the relationship with gifts and with granting a wish to the child or children. Unfortunately, these kinds of practices often lead to disappointment.
Behave naturally with the child and wait to see and understand what his attitude towards you is. Show him that you love your partner who is his biological parent. It is crucial for your future relationship with your child that he or she can rely on you and trust you.
If the child is in his teens, try to talk to him as a friend. It is always good to stand by your partner's decisions regarding parenting and responsibilities to the child.
Find common interests - sports, movies, music, coding ..... No matter the topic that excites you and your child, this would build trust and remove barriers to communication.
If this topic raises questions in you, you recognise yourself or someone you know, don't hesitate to contact the NATIONAL TELEPHONE LINE FOR CHILDREN by dialling 116 111. Don't delay! We will listen and support you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!