Depending on the needs of the families, you can turn to the following institutions:
State Agency for Child Protection :
The Agency is the only specialized body of the Council of Ministers for guidance, coordination and control of the implementation of the state policy on child protection activities in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Social Assistance Agency:
There are 147 Social Assistance Directorates in the country where you can apply for support or be referred by the Child Protection Department to a free social service in the community.
Ministry of Education and Science :
Ministry of Health :
Social services, programmes and benefits
Social benefits in the Republic of Bulgaria are granted by the Social Assistance Directorates, which are structures of the Social Assistance Agency. Individuals and families are entitled to social benefits when, for reasons of age, health, social and other reasons beyond their control, they are unable to provide for their basic needs. Persons applying for social assistance must meet certain legal conditions. To consult a social worker and fill in application forms, you need to go to the Social Assistance Directorate where you live and submit the necessary documents. The conditions and procedures for granting social assistance are regulated by Bulgarian legislation and are determined after a social survey of the person's or family's income, assets, marital status, health, employment and education, age, and other established circumstances. The assistance granted may supplement or replace the family's limited minimum income up to the basic necessities of life or to meet an occasional need. Children and their families may be eligible for a variety of welfare benefits, family child support, or referral to community-based social services. Depending on the identified need of the child and the family, the assistance can be one-off, monthly or targeted for heating during the winter season.
Social services are provided according to the wishes and personal choices of the persons. In providing social services for children, the views of the child and the parents or carers shall be respected.
Types of social services
Every child has the right to social services tailored to his or her best interests, age, physical, health and mental condition, level of development and individual needs.
Types of social services that can support children and adults:
information and counselling;
advocacy and mediation;
community work;
therapy and rehabilitation;
skills training;
support for employment skills;
day care;
residential care;
shelter provision;
assisted living support;